Comment agrandir icone bureau mac

If you call Destroy for an object which hasn't being initialized yet it will generate an error. Always use the Free method to deallocate objects, because it checks whether an object's value is nil before invoking Destroy.

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  • Visite guidée : les principales nouveautés de macOS Mojave | MacGeneration;
  • Présentation de l’espace de travail.

Many actions are commonly listed in the 'Events' tab of the Object Inspector. If you select an entry in the list, a ComboBox appears with a DropDown list showing any actions that have aleady been defined, and allowing you to choose one to be associated with this event. Alternatively you can select the ellipsis three dots While a large number of events is available for any given control, in practice it is only necessary to populate a few of them. For most controls, it is sufficient to provide coding for 'OnClick'; for more complex controls it may be necessary also to provide for 'OnEntry' when the mouse cursor enters the Control and gives it focus and 'OnExit' when the mouse cursor leaves the Control; or you may need to write an event handler for 'OnChange' or 'OnScroll', depending on the nature of the particular control with which you are dealing.

The pop-up menu that appears when you right-click an object in the Form Designer has, as its first item: 'Create default event' and selecting this option will have the same effect as selecting the ellipsis in the Object Inspector for the default event, usually OnClick: you are taken to the Implementation area of the Source Editor where you can type the code for the event handler. A common strategy in Object-Oriented programming is to provide an ActionList with the facility for entering, removing or editing a number of pre-defined actions from which the most appropriate can be selected to use in any particular instance.

TMainMenu is the Main Menu that appears at the top of most forms; form designers can customise by choosing various menu items.

Le Finder gagne quelques options et une nouvelle présentation

TPopupMenu is a menu window that pops up with pertinent, usually context-sensitive, details and choices when the right mouse button is clicked near a control. Instead, a Menu bar with a structure defined by the Menu Editor will appear. Popup menus, placed on the form by selecting the icon from the Component Palette, do not appear at all unless the right mouse button is clicked on a control that owns such a menu.

A pop-up box appears, that invites you to enter items into the Menu bar. An Edit box is displayed, containing a Button labelled New Item1. If you right-click on that box, a pop-up menu is displayed that allows you to add a new item before or after along the same level or create a sub-menu with the opportunity to add further items below or above the new item in a downward column. At the least you should give each item a Caption which will appear on the Menu Bar you may also wish to give it a more meaningful Name. The caption should indicate the activity to be selected, such as "File Open" or "Close", "Run" or "Quit".

If you want a particular letter in the Caption to be associated with a shortcut key, that letter should be preceded by an ampersand. The Menu item at run-time will appear with the shortcut letter underlined, and hitting that letter key will have the same effect as selecting the menu item. It is often helpful to use the Menu controls in conjuction with an ActionList which contains a series of standard or customised Actions.

It is obviously economic of effort to re-use the same code to respond to the various events, rather than writing separate OnClick event handlers for each individual control. By default a number of standard actions is pre-loaded from StdActns or, if DataAware controls are being used, from DBActns , and these can be chosen using the ActionList editor which appears when you right-click on the ActionList icon on the Form Designer.

Le fichier de projet. Win32 ajoute l'extension. Les fichiers. Notez que ce n'est pas un fichier de ressources Windows. Jump to: navigation , search. Please feel free to add your experiences to it. Personal tools Create account Log in. The main action or event associated with the object. For example selecting an 'Exit' Button might cause the 'Close' action. Defines the way in which an object is to be lined up with the parent object. Possible values are alTop placed at the top and using the full available width , alBottom, alLeft placed at the left and using the full available height , alRight.

5 manières de réduire la taille des icônes du bureau

Used to keep a control a certain distance from the defined edges of a parent control, when the parent is resized. For example [akBottom, akRight] will keep the control a fixed distance from the bottom right corner. When True, an editing control will select all its text when it receives focus or when the Enter key is pressed.

Click OK to pass the Airport Utility information screen If you receive a message to update the Airport Utility software, you should do so. You just want the update. Click Install 1 Item and click OK to the license that pops up. When you receive notification that the software has been successfully installed, press OK, then press Quit when you are taken back to the Update Manager.

You will need to temporarily change the IP address of the computer you are using in order to communicate with this device properly until you can assign it an address that is within your subnet. If yours is different, write down the current settings so you can change back to them afterwards.

You should receive a popup about services being temporarily unavailable. If all goes well you should now see the Airport Utility screen with a large green arrow in the center, click Continue At Foreverwarm we always assign a static IP to devices other than desktops. We assign a wireless device Click Manual Setup. Enter an IP address that is unused on your network and the appropriate mask probably If you are not using this as your router, then add your router address and DNS server usually either your internal server or the router IP.

Then click Update Change the default password to your network standard or something you can remember. This will take you to the Wireless Tab. Make the appropriate changes and click Update.

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  6. This takes you back to the problems page, with the last issue being the ability to Configure the device over the WAN or Internet. If this is for a home then I would uncheck the box, however for small business with external technical support such as Foreverwarm does and this device being used as a router this needs to be enabled.

    Just make sure the administrative password has been changed and the technician knows what it is. If you choose to allow Configuration over WAN then you must also check the box to Ignore this problem. Now you will need to change your IP address back to what it was before, under Network Properties, in order to communicate with the Time Capsule again.

    You should now be able to connect to the wireless portion of the Time Capsule, and the light on the front of the Time Capsule should be green. If not you need to go back to the Utility and fix whatever problems exist. Setting up the Time Capsule Hard disk Time capsule will automatically create a Z: drive on the Windows computer s that the Airport Utility is installed. Change the Time Capsule name to something that makes sense, or follow your network standards. Now move to the Disks Icon and the File Sharing tab. Enter your Workgroup name, you can find this by right-clicking on My Computer, selecting properties and then the Computer Name tab.

    Your workgroup will show on this page. Under Action select Connect with Password , put in your password and click the Remember this password box.

    Visite guidée : les principales nouveautés de macOS Mojave

    Click OK. You should now see the empty Data drive If you want to map to this drive directly, right-click on it and select Map Network Drive. Best to use PC version of airport utility Mac version may work with what I know now! Use dashes or underscores in naming conventions; safer bet 3. Time machine IP address: Time Capsule Windows 7 Support [Note: this seems to have been resolved with the newest firmware version] It sounds like there may be an issue between Windows 7 and the Time Capsule. Select the specific firmware version you require. Click Download.

    Select a firmware version and click OK.

    Changer la taille des icones du bureau sous windows 10

    Start by downloading the newest firmware: Firmware update 7. Review the Time Capsule User Manual.

    Le Finder gagne quelques options et une nouvelle présentation

    Follow the onscreen instructions for connecting to your printer Internet connection via the WAN Port Time Capsule can become your router so that all attached computers can share the Internet connection. Wait, what's this? Anything in here will be replaced on browsers that support the canvas element. Add a file or an app: Press and hold the Command key, then drag the item to the Finder toolbar until you see a green plus sign.

    Show or hide all the items in a section of the sidebar: Position the pointer over the section head until you see Hide or Show appear, then click the Hide or Show button. For example, to temporarily hide your Favorites, position the pointer over the Favorites heading in the sidebar and click the Hide button. Add a folder or disk to the sidebar: Drag the item to the Favorites section.

    Add an app to the sidebar: Press and hold the Command key, then drag the app icon to the Favorites section. The link to the item in the sidebar disappears, but the item remains in its original location on your Mac.